Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Service vs Factory vs Provider (AngularJS)

Let's discuss the three ways of handling business logic in AngularJS in a simple way: (Inspired by Yaakov's Coursera AngularJS course)
 var app = angular.module('ServiceExample',[]);
 var serviceExampleController =
    app.controller('ServiceExampleController', ServiceExampleController);
 var serviceExample = app.service('NameOfTheService', NameOfTheService);

 ServiceExampleController.$inject = ['NameOfTheService']

function ServiceExampleController(NameOfTheService){
     serviceExampleController = this;
     serviceExampleController.data = NameOfTheService.getSomeData();

function NameOfTheService(){
     nameOfTheService = this;
     nameOfTheService.data = "Some Data";
     nameOfTheService.getSomeData = function(){
           return nameOfTheService.data;
<div ng-controller = "ServiceExampleController as serviceExample">
Features of Service:
  1. Lazily Instantiated: If it is not injected it won't be instantiated ever. So to use it will have to inject it to a module.
  2. Singleton: If injected to multiple modules, all will have access to only one particular instance. That is why very convenient to share data across different controllers.
First let's have a look at the syntax:
var app = angular.module('FactoryExample',[]);
var factoryController = app.controller('FactoryController', FactoryController);
var factoryExampleOne = app.factory('NameOfTheFactoryOne', NameOfTheFactoryOne);
var factoryExampleTwo = app.factory('NameOfTheFactoryTwo', NameOfTheFactoryTwo);

//first implementation where it returns a function
function NameOfTheFactoryOne(){
   var factory = function(){
      return new SomeService();
   return factory;

//second implementation where an object literal would be returned
function NameOfTheFactoryTwo(){
   var factory = {
      getSomeService : function(){
          return new SomeService();
   return factory;
Now using the above two in the controller:
 var factoryOne = NameOfTheFactoryOne() //since it returns a function

 var factoryTwo = NameOfTheFactoryTwo.getSomeService(); //accessing the object
Features of Factory:
  1. Follows the factory design pattern. The factory is a central place that produces new objects or functions.
  2. Not only produces singleton, but customizable services.
  3. The .service() method is a factory that always produces the same type of service, which is a singleton, and without any easy way to configure it's behavior. That .service() method is usually used as a shortcut for something that doesn't require any configuration whatsoever.
Let's again have a look at the Syntax first:
angular.module('ProviderModule', [])
.controller('ProviderModuleController', ProviderModuleController)
.provider('ServiceProvider', ServiceProvider)
.config(Config); //optional

Config.$inject = ['ServiceProvider'];
function Config(ServiceProvider) {
  ServiceProvider.defaults.maxItems = 10; //some default value

ProviderModuleController.$inject = ['ServiceProvider'];
function ProviderModuleController(ServiceProvider) {
  //some methods

function ServiceProvider() {
  var provider = this;

  provider.defaults = {
    maxItems: 10

  provider.$get = function () {
    var someList = new someListService(provider.defaults.maxItems);

    return someList;

Features of Provider:
  1. Provider is the most flexible method of creating services in Angular.
  2. Not only we can create a factory that's dynamically configurable, but at the time of using the factory, with the provider method, we could custom configure the factory just once at the bootstrapping of our entire application.
  3. The factory can then be used throughout the application with custom settings. In other words, we can configure this factory before the application starts. In fact in the angular documentation it is mentioned that the provider method is what actually gets executed behind the scenes when we configure our services with either .service or .factory methods.
  4. The $get is a function that is directly attached to the provider instance. That function is a factory function. In other words, it's just like the one that we use to provide to the .factorymethod. In that function, we create our own service. This $get property, that's a function, is what makes the provider a providerAngularJS expects the provider to have a $get property whose value is a function that Angular will treat as a factory function. But what makes this whole provider setup very special, is the fact that we can provide some config object inside the service provider, and that usually comes with defaults that we can later overwrite in the step, where we can configure the entire application.

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